
Sam Sodano Lectures in Blackpool

May 2017 was a momentous year for American competitors at Blackpool; a collective sweep of the podiums and a historic occasion for American Smooth and Rhythm with the inclusion of Professional and Pro/am American Style competitive events.

Food for Thought - Manhattan/Brooklyn

Alright we are back in New York again and this time we are going to concentrate on Brooklyn and Lower Manhattan.

Dennis Rogers Interview

Didio: I am here with Dennis Rogers. He is basically one of the founding fathers of the USISTD and NCDTO (now NDCA).

Robyn Shreiber and the RIDE Project

Robyn Shreiber is a well-known pro-am competitor who has become deeply involved with Africa wildlife conservation. She and teacher, Italo Elgueta, are currently organizing their first “Dance for Africa” show.

Dance Life Coaching - “GUIDANCE”

In life we all need GUIDANCE in different areas. In our Ballroom Industry we seek Guidance from different sources.

The NDCA Competitors Commission is an appointed committee by the NDCA representing all dancers registered with the NDCA.

We are proud to report that we have created a scholarship fund for amateur competitors.

Same Sex Dancesport At World OutGames Miami
May 30 - June 2, 2017

World Out Games will welcome athletes, participants, spectators and thought leaders from around the globe as they converge on Miami beginning May 26 through June 4, 2017. Making its U.S. debut, the 10-day event will bring to life a series of events across the areas of Sports, Culture and Human Rights.

The Bolero - An Overview

The bolero is classified as a rhythm dance so just as I was asked many years ago by the incomparable Bobby Medeiros, I ask you now, “What is a main characteristic of the Rhythm dances?”

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