
Retirement is wonderful if you have two essentials: many memories to cherish and much to give forward. 

USA Dance 2016 National Elections - Meet Your Candidates!

The membership of USA Dance, Inc. elects national officers every three years and DanceSport delegates to serve terms of two or four years. All elected officers, delegates and later appointed directors and committee chairpersons serve USA Dance as volunteers.

A Standing Ovation for Competitors’ Commission Fundraiser

“We feel so strongly, this is one of the best [dance] federations in the world, and we want to continue to help it be the best. There is a reason why so many dancers come here, we have great business, great dancers, and great coaches: so, it is necessary for us to represent ourselves well as competitors. It’s not a conflict thing, it’s more about helping those who are guiding us to help them understand...

Polite actions are requested by the competition on deck captains. 

Analog vs. Digital

Music is very important. Every dancer knows this. Most of us receive inspiration, practice and perform to music all the time. Music that you choose to play for yourself reflects certain traits of character and moods that you are in. So every dancer enjoys dancing to music that he/she is able to connect to, to draw energy from and to unite with. 

DanceBeat recently sat down with professional dancer, Mayo Alanen, to hear about an exciting new charity that gives your dancing an inspiring and life-changing purpose. 

Social Graces: A Ballroom Etiquette Column

Just a bit more respect, please! This was the topic of discussion at an event when I was talking to International Latin Champion, choreographer, studio and event owner, Paul Killick.

For over 10 years Cher Rutherford has been dispensing her own style of etiquette advice in the pages of Dance Beat. We are now happy to offer this sage wisdom to our online readers and don’t forget if you have a question for Cher, you can reach her through our email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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