
DBDC is a WOW!

DBDC held in Boston at the Park Plaza Hotel bills itself as a ‘legendary’ competition and does not over-promise.

Closed Canadian Dance Championships 2019

Winners and photos.

Cher Rutherford continues her column on etiquette for the ballroom dancer.

Good idea or bad idea for a competitor to go speak to an adjudicator at a competition event in regards to their competition results?

General Observations from the British Open at Blackpool 2019

Blackpool 2019 was a fantastic festival, both in the amount of couples and with such an array of talent.

Peter Pover, former 2-time President of USA Dance Passes.

PETER POVER passed away quietly in Hospice on Monday May 13, 2019 after having suffered a brain aneurysm a week earlier; Ida, his wife of 15 years, was at his side.

The Psychology of Dance of Max Arkhipenko

For the past year or so, Max Arkhipenko has been a contributing columnist to Dance Beat. His articles on the Psychology of Dance have proved popular with the dance audience.

Chewing Gum + Dancing = An Accident in the Making.

“There is a time and place for everything” and that saying should apply to chewing gum.

February 22nd - Rickey Geiger Passes

It is with deep regret that we must announce the passing of Rickey Geiger

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