Let’s talk about that O1 Visa
In the 2015 United States National Championships - Open and Rising Star Professional events - there were over 70 professionals who were at that time on the O-1B visa.
Today, most ballroom dancers and dance teachers who are from outside the United States came here legally under the non-immigrant visa category of O-1 which is for individuals who have demonstrated “extraordinary abilities”. As many of you are already aware, changes by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) in regard to the O1 are having a serious impact on our industry. We understand that it is not just our industry, but all O1’s. But the changes are taking a drastic toll on the dance industry.*
This is your life and career - you are a dancer!
Meet Star Ballroom Tour Champions: Alexander Voskalchuk & Veronika Egorova
This is your life and career – you are a dancer!!! It shouldn’t be hard – be prepared – it’s always very nice to see a prepared couple.
The Road to STARdom: Exclusive with Nazar Norov
Interview by Maria Kordit
LaBlast: why did I start a dance fitness program?
By Louis Van Amstel
During all my years as a competitive ballroom dancer, my dream was to become a World Champion by emphasizing the ART of dance; winning by focusing on the dance rather than just the competition. I believe that dance speaks for itself and can be such a powerful medium.
Dance Life Coaching: A Column To Help Dancers Journey In Life
By Susan Silva
How much do you laugh? There is a proverb that says, “A merry heart does good like a medicine; but a broken spirit dries the bones.” Another way to say this scripture is, “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength.” Does your strength ever feel sapped? In this busy life that we all lead, especially in the ballroom dance industry do we take the time to laugh?
JORDY: Exclusive Interview with Chris Stephenson
Written by Maria Kordit, DanceBeat Staff
“So it’s like I try to tell everyone who works with me in those moments – enjoy this – most people work their whole life and whatever it is they do, they never experience this much amount of relevance. We are so relevant right now, it should never be lost on us.” --- Jordy