Dance Beat Team

Dance Beat Team

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A Sweet Tooth!

If you have a “sweet tooth” like Andrei Gavriline & Elena Kryuchkova as well as their lovely hostess Luda Conte, the Tristate Championships was the place to be.

Special Hotel Manners for Dancers

Who knew we need our own special manners for hotels?

A Column To Help Dancers Journey In Life
By Susan Silva


What is False Evidence Appearing Real? The first letter of these four words is your answer:

Kings Ball Professional American Rhythm 

I would like to congratulate Rita Algara, Igor and Polina Pilepenchuk on a very successful Kings Ball 2016.

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A “Thinking” Ballroom!

Last night at the US National Amateur Championships in BYU, Provo, Utah, the Open Amateur Ballroom competition took center stage at the Marriott Arena, where thousands of people gathered to see and support the couples participating.

How to protect yourself from injury and prolong quality dance practice

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Provo Edition

For those of you going to the U.S. Amateur Nationals in Provo, Utah, I have some recommendations for you.

Vegas Open Ends with a Bang!

Yesterday the conclusion of the Vegas Open was one to be remembered, few competitions are as heated and disputed as yesterday’s events.

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