It was a heated competition with Nick Cheremukin & Viktorija winning the solo performance with an overall score of 83.86, they also won three of the group competition dances and placed second in the tango, this gave them 23 points towards their final Star American Smooth Tour tally. Their weakness as it has been in the past, was the audience vote. They only managed to get 1 point in this count bringing their total to 107.86 points for this leg of the tour and securing them a second place win here at the Nevada Star Ball’s Star American Smooth Tour. They are now in third place for the entire race. We must point out that Nick & Viktorija skipped the first two competitions that awarded points so they are having to catch up.
Max Sinitsa & Tatiana Seliverstova Max Sinitsa & Tatiana Seliverstova
Nick Cheremukhin & Viktorija Nick Cheremukhin & Viktorija
Fourth in this official leg went to Kyle & Allie Spindler with 104.57 points total. Kyle & Allie’s score for their solo was 77.57. They placed third in all the five dances in the group competition gaining 12 points for this effort and they also held with the audience appeal receiving 11 points here. Kyle & Allie, have attended all the stops of the Star American Smooth Tour and are now in second place in the race.
Fifth place in this contest went to Slava & Valeriia Kostianeis, and sixth position on this fourth official leg of the Star American Smooth Tour was awarded to Mariuz Zakrzewski & Lynnsay Ray.
You can check out the full standings here.