Taking $25,000.00 were, Nazar Norov & Irina Kudryashova who at this final leg won all dances in the group competition, took first in the solo performance with an overall score of 97.64 points, were second in the crowd favorite with a healthy 22 points and as they boldly crossed the finish line were way ahead of the competition with a 200.64 points lead, a total overall of 843.29 for the entire tour.
Nazar Norov & Irina Kudryashova Nazar Norov & Irina Kudryashova
Winners of Star Rhythm Tour Winners of Star Rhythm Tour
The Professional Rhythm competition was part of the tour but not all couples had participated in the tour events, however they are sure worth a mention and their placements. Ryan Lockerhart & Danelle Newman were third in the group competition in all dances. As at every stop they were still given the opportunity to earn some money in the solo event and so there they were fifth overall in that venture. And finally Piero Della Santina & Alessandra Gonzales were also competing for the first time in this venture and they placed seventh in the group competition and sixth in the Star Tour solo competition.
On behalf of the Star Tour committee and the City Lights organizers, we want to say thank you to all the competitors that took part in this interesting venture. We totally understand this is not the normal style of competition, but neither were the prizes awarded. Few or no competitions in the past have offered close to 60,000 dollars. As most people that read the rules you know this was a competition to enhance the professional divisions and as one competitor put it “give them an opportunity to go out of the box and develop a show they can share when hired to do a show or something new to prepare for when called to do a presentation.”
The Star Tour committee is happy to announce the coming Smooth and Latin tours. All information will be posted here on our site and the rules will to be available so couples can prepare for this competition.
The Open Professional Latin and Showdance also took place last night at City Lights. In the Latin Roman Italyankin & Alexandra Bokova won all dances. We must also point out that they competed in the Showdance category and placed second overall in that venture. It might have been our imagination, but their show number keeps getting better and we have a suspicion that they might be already getting ready for the Star Latin Tour. Second in all dances was awarded to Tykhon Zhyvkov & Anastasia Kuzleva, third were Igor Coloc & Roxane Milotti, and fourth in all dances went to Maksim Kapitannikov & Natalia fridmanovich. Fifth was Artjom Shmigeljuk & Oxana Kashkina and they were fifth in all dances. Sixth were Zsolt Katona & Timea Potys, and seventh in all dances went to Keenan & Laura Smout.
The ShowDance was also a good competition and here Eduard Sargsyan & Inga Demetryan were first. As we mentioned Roman & Alexandra were second, Aaron & Katelyn Holmes were third, Yusimi Cruz & Erica Milark placed fourth, Lance Gillman & Ruth Ng took fifth and Keenan & Laura Smout were sixth.
The Good, the Bad and the Barbie!
Last night was the conclusion to the Star Ballroom Tour “show down” here at City Lights Ball! Over $50,000.00 was up for grabs, awarded down to 12th place. The overall winners, Alexander Voskalchuk & Veronika Egorova took the $25,000.00 purse, with a Ken & Barbie routine that stunned the audience giving them the lead needed to win.
Winners of Star Ballroom Tour Winners of Star Ballroom Tour
Alexander Voskalchuk & Veronika Egorova Alexander Voskalchuk & Veronika Egorova
Alexander Voskalchuk & Veronika Egorova Alexander Voskalchuk & Veronika Egorova
Third place in this exciting mix and taking $5,000.00 home were Andrey Begunov & Anna Demidova who were fifth in the Ballroom group competition and 4th in the solo and this leg of the tour. Fourth place in the tour and taking $4,000.00 were Denis Kutepov & Lesya Sinitsa, they placed third in the Ballroom Group competition and 3rd in the solo. We must point out that Denis & Lesya were a latecomers to the tour (missing the first leg) but in the end managed with skill to climb far up into the top four. (Couple were allowed to miss one event and still be eligible for the grand prize).
Denis Kutepov & Lesya Sinitsa Denis Kutepov & Lesya Sinitsa
Andrey Begunov & Anna Demidova Andrey Begunov & Anna Demidova
Although the Star Tour took a lot of the air from any other competition the two events sharing the evening spotlight were excellent and sure need a mention.
The Professional Smooth was fantastic with some incredible couples taking part. The evening went to Nick Cheremukin & Viktoria who won all dances. Second was awarded to the new partnership of Max Sinitsa & Tatiana Seliverstova who took all seconds and third was awarded to Yegor Novikov & Alexandra Smirnova third in all dances. Evgeny Malko & Anna Shabazyan placed fourth in all dances, Drew Miller & Krista Humphrey were fifth and sixth were Aaron & Katelyn Holmes. As you can see there was no mix of marks everyone took same placement in all dances.
We are looking forward to the conclusion of the Star Rhythm Tour tonight so be sure to log in and cast your vote – remember your votes count as we saw in the Ballroom Star Tour. You can watch live by clicking here!
Do You Know The Way to San Jose?
Thursday, January 28th we arrived in beautiful, historical San Jose, California for the City Lights Ball, sponsors of the Star Ballroom Tours where over $100,000.00 will be awarded to our Ballroom and Professional competitors. The well-known Fairmont Hotel is a terrific delight in the middle of a walking area filled with shops restaurants and bars, all with a twist of what San Jose gentrification.
So far we have spent two nights here and it has been very relaxing and beautiful to say the least, however, we could all continue on our mini vacation here in beautiful San Jose, but that is not what we are here for, the Star Tour and a well-run competition is why we traveled from all over the US.
Yesterday in the Fairmont’s Ballroom it was all about the smooth in the Pro/Am categories and this concluded in the evening with the scholarships. The “C” division was the best of all three categories and the winner by far for us and the judges was Machiko Cantor w/Evgeny Malko, she won all dances. Second overall went to Lynn Magnesen w/Vard Margaryan 3,2,2,2, and third was awarded to Susan Haynes w/Sergey Nekrasov 2,4,4,3.
The Senior Amateur Open II Ballroom was quite well attended with a strong semifinal round and here David Getchell & Allison Gonzales won all dances, second went to Winston & Lilly Chow who took second in all dances and third was awarded to Doug Priest & Stephanie Au 3,4,3,3,4.
The Open Amateur was a small but terrific heat and this went to Dmitry Vorobiev & Sofie Elliott first in all dances.
Amateur Ballroom Amateur Ballroom
Dmitriy Vorobiev and Sofie Elliott Dmitriy Vorobiev and Sofie Elliott