Dance Beat Team

Dance Beat Team

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Bil527184 348204528585442 1045780890 nl Morganti, progress after car crash

The following comes from Marc Nocera

As you may have heard, Billy Morganti was in a bad car accident on the 4th of July. He is currently recovering at Boston Medical Center. The outlook is positive but he has a long recovery ahead of him. For information on Billy's condition please visit his Caring Bridge page here. If you would like to donate please use the link below - please do not donate through the Caring Bridge page.

Donate via PayPal here:  click to donate

Fundraising events will also be held at the Massachusetts Dancesport Challenge next month.

We have a paypal account and a GoFundMe account set up. The link to GoFundMe is:

Five Main Reasons to Go to Blackpool Dance Festival
(the perspective of a first timer)

“I loved Blackpool! There was always great time to watch the other dancers. It felt like you earned it when you were called to the next round, even when you didn’t, you still felt great.” Lyubov Morgan

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